Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun!

We like have the kids use the same costumes to see how they look at similar ages. This is Pirate Michael at age 2 and Pirate Jacob at age 4. This year we introduce Pirate Daniel at age 2!!
We went to Sam's brothers ward party at a neighborhood park. Ryan and Haley are Ray & Jacques kids. Michael is Wolverine & Jacob is a Mime. We couldn't get Daniel to look at the camera for anything!
Our cute boys!!

I just asked Daniel "did you get a lot of candy?" his response "uh huh!" He was serious about it too!

I just liked this one! He was swiping Ryan's candy and putting it in his bag. This is the first year he has really enjoyed Halloween.

He finally looked at me!

My mime!

My Wolverine. We used lots and lots of gel and hairspray! He totally gets into character!

My pirate.

This toy bird would repeat phrases that the man would say. It just told Daniel to have a good day!

Leaving the park with my boys. I was really sick the day before this and this day was so so cold!! I totally forgot a sweater!

After the hat comes off!

Me & my hubby and Daniel at our ward trunk or treat. Lots of fun. Daniel went around to each car I think a couple of times! His bag was so heavy and he wouldn't let us help us carry HIS candy.

The mime with his loot. ( He didn't want to paint his face again!)

Daddy taking Daniel around.

Nachos libres!! Is what they were saying all night. Sam & Ray served up some nachos. It was a hit!

These are the Brown girls - Marissa, Rachelle and Emma. I watch them a few times during the week. It's cute - they are the same age as the boys so they get along really well. Fun times!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


My brother Nolan and his wife Keree came down from Idaho to visit. One night while they were here we got the chance to watch their little boy Perry. Daniel was having a good time with him. They were watching (sorry Nolan) Spongebob together. ha ha - it was so cute!

Our nephew Zackary had his birthday on the 11th and he is now 4 years old!!

Our ward had a campout up on Mt. Lemmon, so we went campimg again!! Sam put the boys to work and swept off the platform before we put our tent up. Daniel loves loves sweeping!!

Shooting the pow pows.

We walked out to Inspiration Rock - the city of Tucson is in the background. It is a really pretty view, especially at night with all of the lights. There is still a lot of devastation from the fire several years back.

My boys!!

Daniel was playing peek a boo.

Sam got some free movie tickets, so after we got home from camping and washed the cars and got cleaned up we went to go see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. It was a cute movie. Here are some cute pictures of the boys with their glasses.

Crazy Michael - always making some kind of face!

They liked it!

This month we found two snakes!! My brothers had snakes growing up - so my boys keep telling me they need one! I think we're ok.

Daniel found this one. Michael heard him saying snake - snake and pointing in the garage! It was under the van. Sam got it with a stick and put it in the bucket. We kept him overnight to let the boys have some fun with him, then let him go in the morning.

I found this one in the pool! The water level was a little low, so he was just there in the skimmer. We put it in our planter - thinking it would be a safe place for a pet. Just when I was about to go get a pinkie - I think something came along and ate it. We had him for 3 days.

Fun times with boys!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Finally!! The rest of July & August updates.

We were able to rent the church cabin up on Mt. Lemmon and most of the Duron family was able to go. We had lots of fun! Here is Jacob just swinging around!

Hyrum had brought up some dry ice in his ice chest to bring some cold food up and he put the rest in some water - the little boys had a ton of fun with it. All of the smoke and cold water made for some good times.

Here is Nana with Tima (aka Chacho).

Tata and his stick.

Noah and Daniel.

Hyrum and Sam just taking it easy. It was so nice to relax up there and get away from the summer heat.

Here is Noah with a horny toad on his hat.

Here are Jacob, Michael, Dasha & Paulie waiting at the bus stop on the first day of school. Melanie enrolled her girls for two weeks - it was a good experience for them. Since then the boys have started going to a different school - so I drive them now. The bus was really nice though!

I have a new niece!!! Abigail Lily Williams, born August 13th. The proud parents are Heather & Nate.

Heather did so good - no drugs, all natural. I don't think I could ever do that - more power to her!

I have a new 2 year old! Daniel had his birthday on the 15th of August! I can't believe that he is already 2. It went by way too fast!

I love this picture. He opened up his present then started to show Tima - look how cool this is!!

I had put Daniel down for a nap in his bed and looked in on him. I found that he rolled off his bed and now his pillow was a basket of toys! Crazy kid! Doesn't look too comfy to me!

I don't know why I like sleeping pictures so much - but he had asked to watch a cartoon on Sam's phone - then when he was about to loose all consciousness he set it down and fell asleep with his arms totally out. Too cute!

The boys were messing around in the car opening their mouths as big as they could - it was really funny - besides that I like his curl mohawk on top!

We were able to get all of the Anderson side of the family grandkids together for a family picture. On top is: Michael, Jacob holding Abby and Karli. On bottom is: Perry, Daniel, Kanela and Zackary. This was the best shot out of it seemed like hundreds! Way hard to get the kids to cooperate!

Here is another really cute picture of Daniel with Abby. He really loves babies! He is really gentle with them too.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The past few months!!

The past few months have been pretty busy I have really been slacking on my blog - but here are some highlights from the summer!!!

Michael turned 8 years old - we also sang to his Uncle Ray - their birthdays are 2 days apart.

He has been wanting this for some time - he was really excited!!

This is outside of the church on the day of Michael's baptism. This was the best picture I had - someone is always making a face!!

Daddy & Michael

Afterwards we had a party for Michael at the house with swimming and tons of food. It was a lot of fun to have all the family over.

Tim grabbed Betsy and jumped into the pool! This picture is funny with his foot just barely on the edge.

Here is Daniel in his jeep with his cousin Tima.

Later that night we went to my parents house for my brother Seth's Eagle Court of Honor. Kanela is getting cute now she is getting a little more out going and not so clingy to the mama.

Seth and my Mom.

Here he is receiving his Eagle with my parents on the side.

We went to Tombstone with Nana and Tata and Sam's sister Melanie and her kids.



Daniel - so cute with the cowboy hat!!

Jacob - watch out for the bear!!

Jacob wearing Tata's hat.

Nana & Tata

The kids have had lots of fun hours playing Twister.

Jacob had is birthday too!! He turned 10 years old. I can't believe it!!

Daniel is pretty excited about Jacob's gifts!

Sam got busy and finished his next project!! Ammon protecting King Lamoni's sheep. This one went to my sister Heather and her husband Nate.

Daniel broke the bone above his pinky toe in his left foot!! He was jumping from a chair onto the carpet and landed wrong. The picture's not that great but you can see that it is swollen and bruised. Luckily he only has to wear a boot for 3 weeks and they didn't need to cast it. That would have been such a pain!
I also went to my sister Heather's baby shower she has about 4 more weeks til her little girl Abigail Lily is born!!
Aunt Kathy - Heather - my Mom

A cute gift she got from our Aunt. Such a good idea!!

Sam's oldest brother turned 40 on the 7th and we did a surprise birthday party for him on Saturday. All of the bro's and sis's and families drove up to their home in Florence and surprised him. It was lots of fun. We all wore black shirts and some of the kids made special shirts to wear.

Meno holding Tima with his special shirt. He wouldn't stay in the group picture.

Here is Paulie - Jacob - Michael - Liza - Dasha & Daniel with their shirts. They are funny!!

Here is the best picture I have so far with Daniel and his little boot.

Happy 40th Birthday Uncle Meno!!

In the pinata there were mustaches - too funny!!

Ryan with his mustache.

Aunt Jacque with her mustache!! ha ha

All the grandkids - except Meno's oldest Seth - oldest to youngest

Top L-R Ryan, Haley, Tayler, Jacob, Dasha, Kylee, Michael, Paulie
Bottom L-R Isaac, Nathan, Tristin, Matthew, Liza, Noah, Daniel, Tima

All the kids and spouses - except Mikola (Melanie's husband)

Top L-R Ray, Tim, Meno, Sam, Hyrum
Bottom L-R Jacque, Melanie, Betsy, Michelle, Me, Alicia

Wow - busy busy times.