Thursday, December 6, 2007

Daniel's "well" check up!!

So, Daniel had his regular check-up scheduled for yesterday, but because the curse of the Duron boys (j/k), here he is doing a breathing treatment. He was supposed to be getting his shots and instead he ended up with rsv!! We are doing treatments every 3 hours. I find that the carseat is the best place, not much room to fight it!!


Kenyon said...

Oh man that stinks. I hope he is doing better! Poor little guy.

Linae said...

I am so sorry! RSV is scary! If you makes you feel better he is so cute even with the mask on! Miss ya!

barbafamily said...

Poor baby! I hope he's feeling better!

Michelle said...

Hi Sunny! Sorry to see that your little guy is sick. I hope all is better soon! Good to see you and your family!