Hyrum & Noah.
We made him pose for this picture. he didn't really want to because he wanted the chocolate one! We made sure to trade him after the picture.
One of his presents that he got from his Aunts and Uncles was this bat a ball and glove. He was excited because later that night he got to go with them to go play a game.
This was the first day of school. Michael is in the 2nd grade now and is 7 years old! I can't believe it! This was the best picture I could do. They didn't want to pose at the school so I just took pictures of them in the car. Oh well!
Jacob is in the 4th grade and is now 9 years old.
This was a couple miles from our house. It had rained a few days earlier and the wash was still flowing pretty good! Just before the wash the road is paved, I guess they don't bother paving it all the way through because when the monsoon comes the road just washes away. There was a crazy family on the other side of the "river" that were letting their little kids play in the water, you never know what could come flowing down in the water and hurt you or take them with the current. The mother was dangling her baby in water. It made me sick!
This was at Grandma's house. We were hanging out here while the boys were at school. The neighbors behind my parents were building a new patio. Daniel sat here for about 10 minutes just watching the men hammer and build the patio. It was funny how observant he was!
Here is Sam at work on his next project. It is coming along nicely. I thought I would put proof that Sam really does do the painting! haha. It's almost done. I'll put the completed picture up when it's done.
We went to Peter Pipers for our nephew's birthday party. Daniel was playing with his first balloon and having a great time with his Tata.
He was pretty nervous about the carousel BUT
then he LOVED it! He went about 4 times and got upset when he had to get off. It was so cute.
Here is the birthday boy, Isaac next to Nana and his sister Kylee.
Daniel and daddy after the cupcakes! Daniel's look in his eye was like - "why is that on your mouth?" Crazy daddy!!
Daniel was taking a nap the other day on the couch at my parents house, he woke up then sat up and fell asleep again! It was the cutest thing. I guess he wasn't ready to wake up yet!
Jacob was sharing a chocolate chip cookie with Daniel the other day and Daniel grabbed it from him and made a mess! This picture doesn't do it justice! There was chocolate everywhere!